Vijay & Dev were brothers. From Vijay's debut, they were inextricably wound in each film's creative process. They trusted each other implicitly, though they did have their own share of creative conflicts too. In an instance, Goldie's unease about a certain decision was echoed by Dev instinctively, in others they never saw eye to eye.
The book explores what ticked for Goldie and Dev. How were creative differences resolved? How did the changing India reflect in their films? Was being brothers an advantage or a disadvantage for them? And finally, what was the unknown, the "X-factor" so to speak, which collided and coalesced between these two extraordinary people?
Vijay & Dev were brothers. From Vijay's debut, they were inextricably wound in each film's creative process. They trusted each other implicitly, though they did have their own share of creative conflicts too. In an instance, Goldie's unease about a certain decision was echoed by Dev instinctively, in others they never saw eye to eye.
The book explores what ticked for Goldie and Dev. How were creative differences resolved? How did the changing India reflect in their films? Was being brothers an advantage or a disadvantage for them? And finally, what was the unknown, the "X-factor" so to speak, which collided and coalesced between these two extraordinary people?
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