This book offers a representative selection of humorous and satirical urdu poetry, drawn from the works of seventeen major poets, including the classics like mohammed rafi sauda and akbar allahabadi, besides the famous practitioners of this art in the 20th century. The poems are chosen on the basis of their artistic and thematic quality. These are then translated, verse by verse, into english, and transliterated in the roman script for the benefit of the non-urdu-knowing reader. This is probably the first book of its kind in urdu-english translated literature.
This book offers a representative selection of humorous and satirical urdu poetry, drawn from the works of seventeen major poets, including the classics like mohammed rafi sauda and akbar allahabadi, besides the famous practitioners of this art in the 20th century. The poems are chosen on the basis of their artistic and thematic quality. These are then translated, verse by verse, into english, and transliterated in the roman script for the benefit of the non-urdu-knowing reader. This is probably the first book of its kind in urdu-english translated literature.
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