You won’t need to look elsewhere for tips on saving, spending, growing your cash and forever building a life you love. Never again will you have to count your pennies or cut corners when it comes to money. Money Management Doctrine brings to you ancient wisdom about the art of making money and examines the mystery of building and sustaining wealth based on the timeless principles of money management with magic money mantras culled from Sufism, Japanese, Chinese, and Vedantic thought. By the time you finish this book, you will stop stressing about money. And begin living…
You won’t need to look elsewhere for tips on saving, spending, growing your cash and forever building a life you love. Never again will you have to count your pennies or cut corners when it comes to money. Money Management Doctrine brings to you ancient wisdom about the art of making money and examines the mystery of building and sustaining wealth based on the timeless principles of money management with magic money mantras culled from Sufism, Japanese, Chinese, and Vedantic thought. By the time you finish this book, you will stop stressing about money. And begin living…
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