Meena Menon was The Hindu's correspondent in Islamabad till she was expelled by the Pakistani authorities in May 2014. In spite of her truncated stay, and the restrictions placed on her movements, Menon managed to write on a range of subjects covering swathes of life in Islamabad. She spoke to people from the persecuted Ahmadi community, covered protests, interviewed victims of bomb blasts, spoke to Partition survivors, visited the sprawling, crowded Afghan refugee camp on the outskirts of the capital, wrote about the Murree Brewery, and described political events, including the high-treason trial of General Musharraf.
'[Menon's] astute portrayal of the lack of professional freedom that she faced makes for a compelling reading for any journalist who wishes to write and understand Pakistan'-The Hindu'A fascinating narrative filled with sharp and witty observations'-Wire
'Engaging and evocative'-Open
'This is what makes this book so special: rising above both the pride and the prejudice that often overwhelm our perceptions of [Pakistan], [Menon] unhesitatingly presents both the warts and the astonishing resilience of a people fighting fierce odds'-Indian Express
'Reporting Pakistan is one of those rare books which introduces us to the unseen side of Pakistan'- Firstpost
'Menon has done an extraordinarily detailed and in-depth job of documenting her experiences during her relatively brief stint as an Indian reporter in Pakistan'-Herald
'Exciting and informative'-Free Press Journal
'Through Reporting Pakistan, Meena Menon makes a convincing case for a much broader media exchange between the two countries. It is time to distribute the book widely in both India and Pakistan'- The News
Meena Menon was The Hindu's correspondent in Islamabad till she was expelled by the Pakistani authorities in May 2014. In spite of her truncated stay, and the restrictions placed on her movements, Menon managed to write on a range of subjects covering swathes of life in Islamabad. She spoke to people from the persecuted Ahmadi community, covered protests, interviewed victims of bomb blasts, spoke to Partition survivors, visited the sprawling, crowded Afghan refugee camp on the outskirts of the capital, wrote about the Murree Brewery, and described political events, including the high-treason trial of General Musharraf.
'[Menon's] astute portrayal of the lack of professional freedom that she faced makes for a compelling reading for any journalist who wishes to write and understand Pakistan'-The Hindu'A fascinating narrative filled with sharp and witty observations'-Wire
'Engaging and evocative'-Open
'This is what makes this book so special: rising above both the pride and the prejudice that often overwhelm our perceptions of [Pakistan], [Menon] unhesitatingly presents both the warts and the astonishing resilience of a people fighting fierce odds'-Indian Express
'Reporting Pakistan is one of those rare books which introduces us to the unseen side of Pakistan'- Firstpost
'Menon has done an extraordinarily detailed and in-depth job of documenting her experiences during her relatively brief stint as an Indian reporter in Pakistan'-Herald
'Exciting and informative'-Free Press Journal
'Through Reporting Pakistan, Meena Menon makes a convincing case for a much broader media exchange between the two countries. It is time to distribute the book widely in both India and Pakistan'- The News
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