This multi-generational, multi-volume saga of fate, fortune, and redemption follows the Clifton and Barrington families on a breathtaking journey from 1920 all the way through the present. Here together are the complete Clifton Chronicles, including all seven novels: Only Time Will Tell The Sins of the Father Best Kept Secret Be Careful What You Wish For Mightier Than the Sword Cometh the Hour This Was a Man
This multi-generational, multi-volume saga of fate, fortune, and redemption follows the Clifton and Barrington families on a breathtaking journey from 1920 all the way through the present. Here together are the complete Clifton Chronicles, including all seven novels: Only Time Will Tell The Sins of the Father Best Kept Secret Be Careful What You Wish For Mightier Than the Sword Cometh the Hour This Was a Man
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