Can you ever forget someone you loved? In the snow-capped mountains of Arunachal, lives an ordinary Hindu boy named Gautam. He joins a Convent School and befriends Mary, a shy Christian girl. Soon, Gautam and Mary fall in love.
But Gautam moves away—leaving her behind with promises of a better future.
Temper and morals loosened by alcohol, Gautam commits an unforgivable deed. When he comes back to his senses, Mary is nowhere to be found.
Devastated and guilty, he begins a desperate search for her. But what fate awaited Mary after that tragic day? Will Gautam’s quest lead him back to Mary or towards more heartbreaking truths?
Can you ever forget someone you loved? In the snow-capped mountains of Arunachal, lives an ordinary Hindu boy named Gautam. He joins a Convent School and befriends Mary, a shy Christian girl. Soon, Gautam and Mary fall in love.
But Gautam moves away—leaving her behind with promises of a better future.
Temper and morals loosened by alcohol, Gautam commits an unforgivable deed. When he comes back to his senses, Mary is nowhere to be found.
Devastated and guilty, he begins a desperate search for her. But what fate awaited Mary after that tragic day? Will Gautam’s quest lead him back to Mary or towards more heartbreaking truths?
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