When the Day Dawned is a remarkable collection of short stories by Som Nath Zutshi, the pioneer of the short story form in Kashmiri literature. His work captures the spirit of the valley with a sincerity and purity that transcends time. In each tale, Zutshi conveys the beauty and authenticity of his homeland through characters that continue to resonate with readers today. Lauded by literary giants such as Padma Shri Rehman Rahi and Padma Shri Pran Kishore Kaul, this collection is an invaluable treasure in Kashmiri literature, preserving a legacy that will endure for generations.
When the Day Dawned is a remarkable collection of short stories by Som Nath Zutshi, the pioneer of the short story form in Kashmiri literature. His work captures the spirit of the valley with a sincerity and purity that transcends time. In each tale, Zutshi conveys the beauty and authenticity of his homeland through characters that continue to resonate with readers today. Lauded by literary giants such as Padma Shri Rehman Rahi and Padma Shri Pran Kishore Kaul, this collection is an invaluable treasure in Kashmiri literature, preserving a legacy that will endure for generations.
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