In the misty hills of Darjeeling, a six-year-old Ricky feels a malevolent presence lurking in the shadows of his new home. From the night he wakes up from a bad dream nothing is ever the same again.As his family is faced with an onslaught of supernatural disturbances, they turn to a psychic for answers, only to unearth secrets that defy all rules of reality. Decades later, in the same house, Karma and Sakshi find themselves trapped in a nightmare of paranormal terror. As their secluded home becomes a battleground for sinister forces, a relentless storm seals them in, cutting off any hope of escape. As they confront the chilling truth that lies hidden within the walls of their home, they are forced to question everything they once knew. What powers move in the house? What is its history? Are Ricky and Karma connected? What truths are Karma and Sakshi evading? In a house where every corner holds a secret and an old antique mirror hides the answers, everyone must confront their deepest fears before it’s too late. In Karma, Abhirup Dhar spins a web of twisted realities, where the boundaries between the past and the present are blurred to foreground the truly haunting aspect of life—death.
In the misty hills of Darjeeling, a six-year-old Ricky feels a malevolent presence lurking in the shadows of his new home. From the night he wakes up from a bad dream nothing is ever the same again.As his family is faced with an onslaught of supernatural disturbances, they turn to a psychic for answers, only to unearth secrets that defy all rules of reality. Decades later, in the same house, Karma and Sakshi find themselves trapped in a nightmare of paranormal terror. As their secluded home becomes a battleground for sinister forces, a relentless storm seals them in, cutting off any hope of escape. As they confront the chilling truth that lies hidden within the walls of their home, they are forced to question everything they once knew. What powers move in the house? What is its history? Are Ricky and Karma connected? What truths are Karma and Sakshi evading? In a house where every corner holds a secret and an old antique mirror hides the answers, everyone must confront their deepest fears before it’s too late. In Karma, Abhirup Dhar spins a web of twisted realities, where the boundaries between the past and the present are blurred to foreground the truly haunting aspect of life—death.
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