"A beautiful tale of magic and power begins within this first volume ... A great start to a series full of magic and mischief." Myweereads
"From the few pages contained within, the art style seems beautiful and captures the whimsy and magic of the world with a touch of neo-Victorian elegance." Whatyoutolkeinabout
"The first volume of The Witch of Thistle Castle brings readers into a new world of Gothic magic. A tale of an apprentice and master, we get to see a the world of magic through a whole new lens." Pastrami Nation
"An intriguing introduction to a magical world not too far removed from our own." - Matt Morrison, Comics Historian
"The artwork supports the story beautifully with lovely details in each scene." nils.reviewsit
"Witch of Thistle Castle presents some of the most beautiful drawn manga art that I have seen in a while." I Reads You
"A beautiful tale of magic and power begins within this first volume ... A great start to a series full of magic and mischief." Myweereads
"From the few pages contained within, the art style seems beautiful and captures the whimsy and magic of the world with a touch of neo-Victorian elegance." Whatyoutolkeinabout
"The first volume of The Witch of Thistle Castle brings readers into a new world of Gothic magic. A tale of an apprentice and master, we get to see a the world of magic through a whole new lens." Pastrami Nation
"An intriguing introduction to a magical world not too far removed from our own." - Matt Morrison, Comics Historian
"The artwork supports the story beautifully with lovely details in each scene." nils.reviewsit
"Witch of Thistle Castle presents some of the most beautiful drawn manga art that I have seen in a while." I Reads You
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